Thursday, August 19, 2010

No Housework Day

Housework really isn't my thing.  Now, I love coming home to a clean house just as much as the next gal.  But actually doing it?  Well, that ranks up there with getting a root canal.  Actually, scratch that.  You have a limited number of teeth to get drilled, but a nearly limitless number of times you clean the house.

So starting today, I'm declaring Thursdays my official "No Housework Day".  Beds can stay unmade.  Someone else can load the dishwasher.  No grocery shopping. No laundry. No nothing. 

Just me and the blogosphere.

I think I just might like this.

1 comment:

  1. I once heard that cleaning the house with small children around is like nailing jello to a tree. SO TRUE! I love the no-housework break day! Now you can look forward to Thursdays almost like the weekend ;)
    -Sitstah CK


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